Monday, November 30, 2009

Berber Culture

On week without walls, we noticed one of the biggest differences between our lives and the Berbers was our ways of life. This is culture. In some ways, people can look at our situation and say that our peoples are infact similar. We both have basic needs like water, food, shelter, clothing and many more simularities. But in key we are different. Down to our deepest thoughts. All the way up to our religion and the way we travel. My teacher asked me to write a paragraph about Berber culture. I have recently discovered that it is impossible to put culture on paper. It’s who we are. It’s what we believe. What you think of a person and what you think is culture is just aspects of life. You an only skim the surface of culture. No one can describe it. I can give you the over view though:

-It’s big

-It affects our children and it will affect our childrens childrens

-the way we wash

-the way we eat

-the way we talk

-the way we preech (if we do preech at all)

-our vacations

-our housing

-our personalities

-our ideas

I can’t keep going. The list is endless. I can however explain some of the stuff. So hear it goes:

  1. Culture is endless. It’s on going. One major contributer to culture is religion. In present day, the majority of the Berbers are Muslim, following the Islamic faith. There for the Berbers follow Muslim aspects. They prey, preech to ALAH, do not eat pork or drink alcohol, respect and understand Islam is the third faith (first is Judasam second Christianity), and much more. So this affects what they do during a day, eat, wear, go, see, socialize with, again the list is endless.
  2. Culture is endless. It will always keep going how ever we may change or evolve. Even Animals and and plants have culture.
  3. In Islam people wash more than us. They wash every time they prey. But on the other other hand of life, the people we visited didn't have access to clean water 24/7, so it's debateable weather our acusation is correct or not.
  4. Eating gives us are energy. The Berbers we visited ate with their hands and didn't use plates, instead they all ate from a big bowl. Things to remember are always eat with your right hand and use the first three fingers. Also the food that they eat. The Berbers eat alot of meat in Tajines and with cous cous. They also drink mint tea.
  5. Berbers speak Arabic today but they also speak the ancient Berber language as well.
  6. As I said a few paragraphs back, the Majority of the Berbers are Islam and they preech to ALAH. Hundreds of years ago, Berbers were Jewish and followed Judasum. Unfortunately, we didn't learn anything about the Berbers as Jews.
  7. The Berbers in the villages don't necessarly have vacations. The students who go to school in the mountains don't have time of school much because their parents don't have much money to travel.
  8. Berbers build their own settlements, and they aren't very permenant. They are mostly made out of clay.
  9. My last two examples are hard to explain, so I can't really talk about them. But culture is who you are. I can't guess that.

Thank you for reading my work. Hope it's an eye opener for you. For more infomation about Berber daily life please contact me by making a coment. Bye.


  1. I think that your presentation was great, even though you did not have your Slideshow.
    You had a lot of guts to go up there and do it anyway!

    Q: Why do you think that there are so many Berber Jews here?

  2. You did a really good job and even though you didn't have your keynote presentation you still did a good job and chose a very interesting topic. I learned a lot about the Berber Jews.


    Why did the Arabs and Jews live peacefully and then they fought against each other?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
